Frequently Asked Questions
What do you charge?
Our minimum charge is $100, hourly rate is $150/hr. Consultations are free.
How old do I have to be to get tattooed?
At Angry Monkey Tattoo you must be 18 years of age or older. Sorry, no exceptions, not even with parental consent.
What forms of payment do you accept?
We only accept cash or e-transfer, no debit/credit cards.
Do you sell gift certificates?
Yes, gift certificates are available in any amount and can be purchased online, simply email us. Gift certificates are non-refundable.
When can I see the artwork being designed for my tattoo?
You will see your artwork on the day of your appointment. Artists will not provide you with the design prior to your appointment. With proper consultation and research you should be confident that you chose the right person for the job, and will love the design they come up with. If any minor changes need to be made, they will be made on the day of your appointment. If a full redesign is needed then your appointment will be rescheduled.
I found a picture of a tattoo online, can I get the same one?
We will not duplicate a picture of someone else’s tattoo. If you have pictures or ideas from an existing tattoo you have seen you can still bring it in and we can help design something custom for you based on the things you like from those references.
Do you offer free touch-ups?
You get one free touch-up on tattoos originally done by our artists within 6 months of the original sitting. Tattoos exempt from a free touch-up include: hands, feet, fingers, elbows, knees, and anyone who clearly disregarded the aftercare instructions. If you fail to show up for your scheduled touch-up appointment it will cost to re-book.
Can you fix, touch-up or cover-up a tattoo I got some place else?
You’ll have to show us what you have first. We consider all cover-ups/fix-ups/touch-ups on other artists’ work on a case-by-case basis.
Can I bring my child to the appointment?
No. We do not allow children (including infants) in the studio while you’re getting tattooed, no exceptions! The tattoo studio is an 18+ environment, it is not appropriate for children and they cannot be properly supervised during the tattoo procedure.
What happens if I'm late for my appointment?
Please message or call us if you’re running late. You will be given a 15min grace period, if we don’t hear from you by 15min past your appointment start time your deposit will be forfeited and you will be considered a no-show.
What happens if I cancel my appointment?
Your deposit is forfeited, all deposits are non-refundable. If you need to reschedule, your deposit may be transferred to a new date one time provided we’re given adequate notice (two business days). We’re open from Wednesday to Saturday, so keep this in mind if booked in on a Wednesday or Thursday as we would need your notice the weekend prior.
Is it safe to get a tattoo?
Yes, if done properly by trained professionals, in a clean environment. At Angry Monkey Tattoo we care greatly about your safety and well-being. Our artists are blood-borne pathogens certified and our studio is inspected and approved by Alberta Health Services. All needles and materials used during the tattoo procedure are sterile, single-use and disposable. That said, there is always a chance a tattoo could get infected if proper aftercare isn’t followed. However, your artist will go over aftercare instructions with you and provide you with an aftercare sheet to take home.
Does it hurt?
We get asked this a lot. The answer is yes, but to varying degrees as everyone experiences pain differently. Some just find it irritating, others describe it as “a cat scratch or sunburn” like feeling and some people even sleep through their tattoos. Certain areas can be more painful than others (ex. ribs, hands, feet, spine). Eating and sleeping well before your appointment and staying hydrated makes for a better tattoo experience.
Can I use numbing cream?
Numbing creams are not recommended as they can change the integrity of your skin. They also tend to only last for a short duration, after which the discomfort felt from being tattooed becomes much more intense as you haven’t built up the usual adrenaline. We don’t use or recommend them.
Can I consume alcohol before I get tattooed?
No. We recommend avoiding alcohol 24 hours before and after your tattoo since it thins your blood. We wonʼt tattoo anyone who is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Can I get tattooed while pregnant or breastfeeding?
No. It is not recommended to get tattooed while pregnant or breastfeeding as your body’s systems are already stressed.