October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month so we would like to offer a FREE mastectomy tattoo to a breast cancer survivor. Almost everyone knows someone who’s been affected by breast cancer so please share with any survivors you know. The winner must be at least 1 year post-op to receive the tattoo, but that does not mean newer survivors are excluded from entering (they would just have to wait the appropriate amount of time for their scars to heal before receiving the tattoo).
Survivors can enter by email: info@angrymonkeytattoo.com subject: Mastectomy Tattoo Giveaway, or thru Facebook or Instagram by sending a direct message mentioning the giveaway along with their full name. Only one entry per person. We will keep submissions open until midnight Saturday Oct 27th, that’s one week to enter. Winner will be chosen at random from all entries received on Sunday Oct 28th and announced on Facebook and Instagram.